FA Cup 3QR Bus

A decent awayday at last! The FA Cup will take us to either Liversedge or Chorley on Saturday 1st October.

The bus has been booked and with it being the cup, we’re expecting it to sell out fast. Might even be able to get a second bus on the go hopefully.

Green Army members – you have priority (until 5pm Wednesday) to get your booking made if you’re interested. Hope everyone else understands that it’s only fair we give members priority.

The prices/departure times for the games would be as follows.

Liversedge – 10am departure

Members – £18

Non members – £21

Chorley – 9am departure

Members – £23

Non members – £26

Even if you aren’t a member, feel free to register your interest and we’ll get you added onto the list once the members have booked.
