About Us

Formed between a group of young supporters in early 2010, the Green Army has gone from strength to strength over the years. From starting off with displays on the terraces to organising coaches for away games, operating the old supporters forum, starting and growing our own social media pages, designing and publishing our own fanzine, purchasing and creating our own flags, creating our own website, launching independent supporters surveys, creating our own merchandise, launching our own membership scheme and starting our very own podcast off, it’s safe to say as a group we’ve achieved a lot over the years!

On top of all that, we’ve a long history of working with local and national charities such as If U Care Share, Dementia Care, British Heart Foundation, MIND, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, MND Association and of course the Scott Bell Fund. Over the years we’ve raised over £1,500 for these charities. On top of that, we’ve also worked with Blyth Foodbank on a few occasions, collecting over 1000 items for the foodbank.

As of 2023, we’ve become an associate of the FSA (Football Supporters Association) who are the leading advocate for fan rights across the UK.

As an independent supporters group, we aim to represent supporters as best we can by keeping you informed of goings on at the club, representing your interests and trying to make sure the football club hear supporters opinions, concerns and desires to the best of our ability, as well as providing supporters with some fun but informative content.

As a group of lads we’ve always had a ‘for the fans by the fans’ attitude, and we like to do things in a very relaxed way. We appreciate not everyone will get on board with us or like or style, and we’ll never pretend to speak for every supporter as truly, no one can. But we will always commit ourselves to representing supporters interests as best we can, however vast and different they may be.
