An end of season thank you

What a truly fucking mad season that was.

On behalf of every single one of the lads, I’d like to personally thank every single one of you for your support this season. Whether you’ve bought a pie, checked out the podcast, bought a membership, contributed to a foodbank collection or been on the busses, your support has been absolutely phenomenal this season and we appreciate every single one of you 💚

You’ve followed this proud football club through thick and thin and unfortunately, your loyal support has not been rewarded – as we find ourselves heading down to the NPL after a torrid second half of the season.

I think it’s fair to say the football club has a lot of work to do this summer on and off the pitch.

Despite all of that though, we’ve managed to create some great memories together throughout the season, and I’ve no doubt we’ll create many more next season. We may be down at the moment, but we 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 bounce back from this – and have a good fucking laugh while doing so!

Cheers, Dan.