Fan Q&A – Pieface

Let’s start of with the important shit. Top 3 lagers and why? 

As a man of fine taste when it comes to lager, my top 3 would have to be Peroni, Madri and Tiger. I’d like to think myself as a fine drinker and I would rather pay a little more for the quality of a fine lager rather than pay for a pint of dishwater, such as fosters and carling.  

You’ve been following Spartans for pretty much the same amount of time as me. What’s your favourite memory or funniest memory you can give me from an awayday? 

Funniest has to be Spenny. Can’t remember what year (it was 2015) but asking people if they’ve got everything and Gary Allan going coat, hat, scarf saying yeah then hearing a knock on the window and it’s only his son, Liam almost getting left. 

Favourite memory has to be a toss up between Hartlepool for obvious reasons and Stockport away winning 3-1 to end their year long unbeaten home record with 2 goals in injury time  that bus on the way home was special ( in more ways than one). 

What’s your best Spartans XI (including a manager) and why?

GK- Pete Jameson. This was a close one between Pete and Adam Bartlett but Pete gets it based on the quality of the saves he made and must be the only keeper to get awarded man of the match after a 3-0 loss. 

RB – Gareth Williams. Best dead ball specialist I’ve ever seen at Blyth.  Would want him on any free kick over some pro footballer. 

CB – Peter Snowdon. one of the best defenders I’ve seen at blyth and the leadership qualities on the bloke. 

CB – Chris Swailes. Don’t think if we ever seen a hard man at the back more than Chris, never afraid of a challenge and walked away from everyone where as the opposition was crying on the floor. 

LB- Michael Liddle. Not going to lie Lidz is only in because I can’t think of any left backs that have played for blyth. 

RM – Jarrett rivers – ultimately just for Hartlepool what a night and what a night was had after the match.  

CM – Stephen Turnbull. What a player in the centre of a pitch. Can pick a ball out better than Pirlo in his prime.  

CM – Chris McCabe. You can tell I was really struggling with this one picking Chris. One of the worst drinkers I’ve ever seen but a magician on the pitch. Still not over the dive he did to try and get Andre Francis sent off.  

LM – Sir Robbie. Only play I’ve know who can do nothing for 75 minutes then produce 15 minutes of magic to win a game and make it look comfortable. 

ST – Scott Bell. The glory days when Robbie and Scott were up front were wonderful times and times which I don’t think will ever be replicated at blyth. 

ST – Paul Brayson. On his day what a striker on his off days I think I ran more than him and that is really bad on his part. 

Manager – Only one man for the job and that’s the legend that is Harry Dunn. 

Stupidest thing you’ve ever heard Michael Soulsby say? 

How long have you got? Here’s a few off the top of my head.

Who’s the Americans playing in the soccer today, USA?

What time for the World Cup 6AM at the comrades?

Are people from Morocco French?

Asking if the Guinness has been popular after it’s been poured in a bar that has been open all day 

Best and Worst bait you’ve ever had at an away ground? 

Best has has to be the burger from Whitley Bay when they dumped Whitby out the FA Cup a few years ago. Think it’s the only 10/10 I’ve ever gave food at a football game. Worst has to Nuneaton after getting an undercooked burger and poisoned chips cause of the diesel generator they were using cause they didn’t pay the electricity bill

Editors note* Pieface is still to this day the only man in human existence to have not liked the famous Barwell Burger.

Favourite awayday of all time? 

Favourite away day has to be Stockport just after Blyth voted the baldy dickhead Ian levy in. I got so pissed and just started chanting political shit all game and had Blyth fans asking if I was taking the piss. I’m going to guess Blyth lost that game (we did, 4-2) but it’s my favourite for certain reasons. 

For those who maybe have never been, explain to the public why the Comrades is so good. 

The comrades what a place to be, cheap drink nice pints and hatful’s of abuse from barmaids and everyone that is in there. 9/10 would certainly recommend popping in for a jar if you’ve never been. 

The Landlord Brian is a MASSIVE Toon fan.

Worst ground you’ve ever been too? 

This is though one cause I have been to a quite a few shitholes in my time following Blyth. Kettering, Nuneaton and Workington all come to mind, but for me it’s got to be Frickley, that place makes the avenues look like Holystone 😉. From arriving and walking to the pub been offered every drug known to man but a lovely man in the local drinking hole, to him then coming back saying I’ve got some viagra now if you would like some go walking to the ground through a full estate with boarded up windows and quite a few areas when some arson attempts had happened and to make matters worse the bar shut during the match was on so i couldn’t  even go for a pint early. 

Basra or Frickley? You decide…

Lastly, how would you like to see the club improve in the near future and what changes would you like to see? 

Personally I’d like to see a whole revamp of the sound system in the ground cause it sounds like a tv when it’s on static at the best of time. Also I’d like to see a new food van or outlet at the games cause let’s be honest the one we have at the minute is a bit meh at the best of times.