Arguably Blyth’s best dressed man. Reckon you’ll get a job modelling for Percival anytime soon?
That’s a title I’ve been after for a little while now, so it’s nice to finally get the recognition. As for Percival, Christopher Grove if you’re reading this (imagine!), I’m available…

Shag marry kill. Michael Soulsby, Rhys Evans, Malcom the driver?
Sorry Cabbage, you’re gone – maybe had a sniff of a shag before that Gazza trim, but not now. Marry Rhys, just for the chance of a trip Turkey so I can get my teeth done. Who knows, it might even help with that Percival gig? And I suppose that leaves big Malcolm for the shag. God help me.
You’ve seen the highs on the lows of the low delightful football club over the years. What’s been your best and worst moments following Blyth?
Let’s get the worst out of the way first and Christ has there been a few. Hereford away was a shocker, but for some reason Guiseley away back in 2011 really sticks in my mind. Early finish from 6th form for a midweek away trip to see the lads get absolutely twatted 5-0. I clearly remember it being within the first few weeks of the season as well, still in August, but the display was clearly a sign of things to come for the rest of the season!
*EDITORS NOTE – I also remember Matty Crook telling us all to fuck off that night as well. That was before he shipped 5 goals! Lovely bloke eh.
As for the best, that’s a really hard one to pick. The highs of Bournemouth and Hartlepool are up there without a doubt, but it’s the individual moments that really stick in my head. Robbie’s halfway line strike against Workington or the day out down at Leyton Orient in the FA Trophy. The one that tops the lot though has to be that feeling at half-time against Birmingham. Surreal. Absolute disbelief as to what was happening. Being 2-0 against a Championship side was just magical.

Now and again you’ve been left sat next to Soulsby on the bus for years (apologies for that btw). What’s been the daftest thing he’s said to you?
I genuinely don’t know. There was a time where he asked if I had enjoyed my holiday, about 5 minutes after me telling him where I was going on holiday the next day. Tit.

Favourite away day of all time?
Honourable mentions for Boston and their pigeon club, Curzon Ashton with Chrissy Lee and John’s ‘acting’ (genuinely still laugh about that to this day), but it just has to be Hartlepool as number one. The Masons whilst we waited for the bus, Turnbull’s free kick (did you known it was him who scored?), the buzz of seeing Jarret’s shot fly into the bottom corner in the last minute, players on policeman’s backs, the full time jubilation, heading out in Blyth afterwards – what I’d do to experience those emotions again!

On that note, biggest shithole you ever ever been to?
Eastwood Town. God I hated that place. Only up side to it was seeing a young(er) Nicky Deverdics playing in the park behind their tin shed of a stand during the second half.
*Weirdly both me and Matt can distinctively remember Dev’s and Jake Cunningham playing on a seesaw.

Lastly, how would you like to see the football club change in the future?
Listen to the fans. Without them, this club wouldn’t be where it is. There’s some incredible people that genuinely care about the future of this club, want it to progress, grow, and achieve what we all know it can. But they also want to help it get there as well. Just listen, be open and let’s all make Blyth Spartans a name to be revered once again.