Blyth’s favourite and most politicly correct Taxi driver is in the hot seat for a Q&A!
Davey you’ve been following Blyth since what, 1899? What’s been your favourite moments following Spartans over the the years?
Got to be St James park vs Wrexham Joy and disappointment all in 1 go.. Pools away great freekick great night. Winning the Glue league been many great days and nights But many dark 1s too all part and parcel of being a Spartans fan

As most know you ferry myself, Parker, Pie, Cabbage and many others round most weekends. What’s the best bit of craic you’ve gotten out of us pissed up arseholes?
Well most of them are good craic but its got to be Cabbage and Hendy when mortal getting the piss ripped out of them as they get some stick

Obviously Fents has come in now and already the place is starting to feel a bit more optimistic. How you feeling about things now?
I feel were a couple or 3 players short of having a canny side and hopefully nee relegation battle.

Shag marry kill – Hendy, Pieface and Cab?
Shag Pieface kill Hendy n his dodgy wardrobe, marry Cab as he’s gonna make somebody a lovely wife lol.

As someone who rarely misses a home game, what’s your favourite thing about following Spartans?
Turning up on Saturday or Tuesday and venting your frustrations and also watching the lads give it 100% for the love of game cause it cant be for the money

As a taxi driver, what’s the dodgiest thing you’ve ever found in the car after a night out?
Cant tell you as i’d have to kill you .. *editors note – Davey’s definitely hoyed someone in the river then.
Favourite Spartans player of all time?
There’s a few that could take it but Glen Robson shades it. Nice lad off the pitch beast on it, goals galore and just as many red cards too.

Lastly, how would you like to see the club improve in the future?
Got to bring club up to date. Improve matchday experience. Communication is a big must.