Banbury Bus – 7 October

With the FA Cup draw giving us yet another home tie, we’ve decided to plow on and try to get a bus going for the trip to Oxfordshire as we take on Banbury United on Saturday 7 October.

Members – £32

Non members -£37

For payment, please send to the usual account ASAP.

Dan Rolls



Leave will need to be a bit earlier than usual given the distance we’ll have to cover. We’ll likely locate a pub to go to beforehand for a pint and some scran, as we’re about as welcome as a fart in spacesuit at the clubhouse/ground.

Wallaw – 8:30am

High Pit – 8:40am

Delaval – 8:45am

Just a note for everyone though, if you are planning on coming can you please make sure you either take your rubbish with you or at least put everything in the bins provided. Bus companies tend to take a dim view on sausage rolls being stuffed down the sides of seats 😅
